News & Musings

Partnering for Success: One Minute Insights from the Field

Posted by Administrator on 10/02/2021

Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window. – Peter Drucker

This quote reminds me that often our response to challenges is to look through a familiar lens. How do leaders move from reactively looking in the rear view mirror to generating proactive insights? Some tips include:

  • Foster collaboration across your teams to harness knowledge and skills.
  • Co-create continual improvement strategies led by organizational champions.
  • Grow strategic relationships and partnerships across the organization.
  • Identify priorities that honor diversity and create pathways for new ideas.

Change is inevitable, working with your teams you can build organizational flexible capacity and uncover possibility. Over the last year, we have supported leaders in School Districts and Local Government through facilitated workshops that utilize a process orientated coaching style to adapt as a result of COVID19 across a variety of issues.

Inspiring Insights:


Last changed: 20/01/2023 at 11:10

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