News & Musings

Partnering for Success: One Minute Insights from the Field

Posted by Administrator on 04/11/2020

From what is to what if – Enabling Brilliant Team Collaboration

As a leader moving from what is – the tyranny of the urgent that results in conversations about tactical, operational issues to what if – effective strategic conversations and brilliant collaborative team work is often elusive. The foundations of effective teams include:

3 Elements: Right People: Those with a range of perspectives and skills to bring perspectives to the work. Real Team: with clear boundaries of who is on the team, stable membership to have enough time to get something done. Compelling Purpose: that engages shared commitment and orients them in a share direction. 

3 Enablers: Structure: small team of approximately five people that tackle tasks that make sense to be done by team and explicit norms of conduct. Support: just like in sports, a team coach focuses individual strengths into a collaborative game plan through strategic conversations. Context: Organizational structures and systems can either act as accelerators or obstacles to team effectiveness. 

If you are interested in learning more: Listen to the podcasts   Read the research


Last changed: 20/01/2023 at 11:10

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